Your databasket contains: 0 Items

of this 0 Macroeconomic time series, 0 Real-time data,

Code list

Key component Computation (23 codes available)

Code Desription
Share: loan granted of the applied sum and conditions
Share: loan granted of the applied sum but to less favourable conditioons
Share: loan granted of a lower sum but to the applied conditions
Share: loan granted of a lower sum and less favourable conditions
Share: decision still pending
Share: loan not granted
Share of decreasing
Share of decreasing somewhat
Share of decreasing significally
Sum of shares decreasing: FDDD+FD
Share of remaing roughly constant
Share of increasing
Share of increasing somewhat
Share of increasing significantly
Share: no
Share: no problem
Share: important problem
Balance: FUUU + .5 FUU - .5 FDD - FDDD
Average of individual standard deviation
Median of individual standard deviation
Share: yes