Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
The situation in the German banking sector: Challenges in striking a balance between weak profitability and the low-interest-rate environment Speech delivered at the press conference to unveil the Financial Stability Review
The Deutsche Bundesbank's Financial Stability Review 2015 Speech delivered at the press conference to unveil the Financial Stability Review
Bankenregulierung - Nicht genug getan oder zu viel des Guten? Rede beim Investmentgipfel der Wirtschaftswoche
Digitalisierung des Zahlungsverkehrs - Potenziale und Risiken - Oracle Finanzgipfel 2015
Danksagung für die Verleihung des Internationalen Preises der Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung
How to address the euro area’s economic challenges? Keynote speech at the 25th European Banking Congress
Welcome Remarks Welcome remarks at the 3rd IMF Statistical Forum
Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann spoke about the PHF study in his welcome marks (item 4).
Opening speech Joint opening of the Euro Finance Week conferences T2S, Payments, and Digital upheaval in the banking business in Frankfurt am Main
Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt - Banken, Aufseher und Märkte Rede beim Bundesbank-Empfang im Rahmen der Eurofinance Week 2015