Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
The Future of Global Economic Cooperation – Brexit, Basel III and Beyond Speech at a reception to welcome Olga Wittchen, Financial Attaché, as the Bundesbank’s representative in London
Introductory comments at the financial statements press conference 2016
Equal supervisory rights for all? Do we need more proportionality in banking supervision? Speech delivered at the "Banking Evening" at the Stuttgart Regional Office
Wohin geht die Reise? Die Zukunft des Bankensektors im Niedrigzinsumfeld Vortrag bei der Handelsblatt Jahrestagung "Privatkundengeschäft"
Rede bei der Amtswechselfeier in der Hauptverwaltung in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Schleswig-Holstein
Prospects for the economy Speech delivered at the Jahresempfang der Wirtschaft
Kleine Banken, große Regeln? Perspektiven für mehr Verhältnismäßigkeit in der Regulierung RWGV Vorstandsforum
Internationale Finanzstabilität Auftaktveranstaltung anlässlich des 200-jährigen Jubiläums des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der Universität Tübingen
One size fits all? Applying Basel III to small banks and savings banks in Germany Speech delivered at the Handelsblatt conference on "Future strategies for savings banks and Landesbanken"
The ECB's low-interest-rate policy – a blessing or a curse for the economy, consumers and banks? Speech delivered at the Sparkassen-Gesprächsforum