Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Evaluating Financial Sector Reforms: A Joint Task for Academia and Policymakers Statement prepared for the panel discussion "Improving Financial Resilience" at the T20 Summit "Global Solutions"
Speech delivered at the Deutsche Bundesbank's Capital City Reception
Current challenges for the European economy and international trade Speech at German Chamber of Commerce, Beijing
Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion: Priorities of the G20 German Presidency Special Address at the 4th OECD/GFLEC Global policy research symposium to advance financial literacy: "Addressing the needs of youth"
373 KB, PDF
Special Address at the 4th OECD/GFLEC Global policy research symposium to advance financial literacy: "Addressing the needs of youth"
Election time(s) in Europe – Challenges on the way to economic recovery Keynote at a Public Seminar at the University of Tokyo
The financial crisis, ten years on – what have we learned? Speech delivered at Ruhr University Bochum
The merits of and challenges for global cooperation Speech at a reception to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Bundesbank’s Representative Office in Tokyo
Data needs and statistics compilation for macroprudential analysis Keynote Remarks IFC – National Bank of Belgium Workshop
Zahlungsverkehr und Wertpapierabwicklung – Herausforderungen aus Sicht der Bundesbank Rede zum Bundesbank-Symposium 2017, Zahlungsverkehr und Wertpapierabwicklung in Deutschland im Jahr 2017
Eröffnung des Bundesbank-Symposiums "Zahlungsverkehr und Wertpapierabwicklung in Deutschland im Jahr 2017"