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Cash is still the most commonly used means of payment for retail purchases New study by the Deutsche Bundesbank on payment behaviour in Germany in 2011
A study has shown that private individuals carry €103 in cash, of which around €5.90 is in coins. This is a total of €15 less than in 2008.
Networked financial centres Guest contribution published in Handelsblatt
Bundesbank Executive Board member Joachim Wuermeling is calling for the financial centres of the European Union to come together to work as a single networked financial platform. At present, their overall potential is spread across the entire continent, he writes in an oped for the Handelsblatt. In his view, a digital financial market union
"would be a highly ambitious new project that would be worth the effort to make it work"
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New results about participating interests of multinational enterprises
2011 saw a continuation of the trend towards building up multinational groups by way of holding companies.
June issue of Monthly Report published
17.06.2015 DE
In its latest Monthly Report, the Bundesbank presents a detailed outlook for the German economy in 2015 and 2016, which was already published at the beginning of June. Additional focus lies on new instruments for measuring inflation expectations as well as on marketable financial instruments of banks and their role as collateral in the Eurosystem.
Financial assets and liabilities (non-consolidated)
30 KB, PDF
Germany's external assets at the end of 2015
Germany's net external position stood at €1,476 billion at the end of 2015, and thus amounted to around 49 % of gross domestic product. The German net external asset position rose by €302 billion year-on-year.
Schnittstellenbeschreibung für den Zugang zum Sicherheitenmanagement-System der Deutschen Bundesbank Version 17.0
Germany and the financial crisis: challenges and opportunities
103 KB, PDF
Prof. Dr. Axel A. Weber, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Luncheon Speech at the American Council on Germany