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Performance and regulatory effects of non-compliant loans in German synthetic mortgage-backed securities transactions Discussion paper 06/2010: Gaby Trinkaus
295 KB, PDF
Bekanntmachung von Änderungen der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Deutschen Bundesbank ab 23. September 2013 Mitteilung Nr. 2004/2013
292 KB, PDF
Regionalwährungen in Deutschland - Lokale Konkurrenz für den Euro? Diskussionspapier 43/2006: Gerhard Rösl
473 KB, PDF
German bank lending to industrial and non-industrial countries: driven by fundamentals or different treatment? Discussion paper 08/2005: Thorsten Nestmann
217 KB, PDF
Annual Report 2020
The Bundesbank is not distributing a profit to the Federal Government for 2020 – for the first time since 1979. The main reason was the greater level of risk provisioning.