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Measurement errors in GDP and forward-looking monetary policy:The Swiss case Discussion paper 31/2004: Peter Kugler, Thomas J.Jordan, Carlos Lenz, Marcel R.Savioz
351 KB, PDF
Safe but fragile: information acquisition, sponsor support and shadow bank runs Discussion paper 15/2018: Philipp J. König, David Pothier
704 KB, PDF
Questionnaire for the Survey on Consumer Expectations (BOP-HH) Wave 34 – October 2022
468 KB, PDF
Annual Workshop: ESCB Research Cluster 2
First ECB public consultation on developing a euro unsecured overnight interest rate
381 KB, PDF
The Common Credit Assessment System for assessing the eligibility of enterprises Article from the Monthly Report January 2015
182 KB, PDF
Derivatives and their feedback effects on the spot markets Article from the Monthly report July 2006
167 KB, PDF
Determinants of current account developments in the central and east European EU member states - consequences for the enlargement of the euro area Discussion paper 32/2005: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
450 KB, PDF