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In search of distress risk Discussion paper 27/2005: John Y. Campbell, Jens Hilscher, Jan Szilagyi
599 KB, PDF
The role of contracting schemes for the welfare costs of nominal rigidities over the business cycle Discussion paper 22/2005: Matthias Paustian
512 KB, PDF
Price setting in German manufacturing: new evidence from new survey data Discussion paper 43/2005: Harald Stahl
538 KB, PDF
Relationship lending in the interbank market and the price of liquidity Discussion paper 22/2012: Falk Bräuning, Falko Fecht
530 KB, PDF
Restructuring counterparty credit risk Discussion paper 14/2013: Claudio Albanese, Damiano Brigo, Frank Oertel
791 KB, PDF
Annex 1: Annotated text of the Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement) in the version of 14 December 2012
730 KB, PDF