Functional documents
Following documents explain mainly the structure and the functionalities of TIPS. They provide the possibility for new participants to get familiar with TIPS and to take a deep dive into the subject.
The Information Guide for TARGET participants aims at providing comprehensive information on how the system works. It also explains the operational procedures to be followed during normal operations as well as in the event of a disruption. It consists of four parts:
- Part 1 – Fundamentals
- Part 2 – CLM & RTGS
- Part 3 – TIPS
- Part 4 – T2S-cash
TIPS Release R2025.JUN
TIPS Release R2024.NOV
TIPS Release R2024.JUN
The User Detailed Specifications (UDFS) form the core of the application-to-application (A2A) connection to TIPS and the common components. Besides detailing the functionalities, these documents contain all the information that participants need to adapt their applications in a way that lets them communicate successfully with TIPS and the common components. In particular, these specifications also provide details on the ISO 20022 messages used in TIPS and the common components.
Information on the technical structure of the messages (Message Exchange Processing for TIPS, MEPT) can be found under “Message Exchange” in the “Participation/Registration” section.
The User Detailed Functional Specifications provide links to the relevant usage guideline in MyStandards for all the messages described.
User handbooks (UHBs) provide guidance on using the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in TIPS and the common components. They contain detailed information on all GUI screens and step-by-step instructions for typical workflows.
Users working in A2A (application-to-application) mode use ISO20022-compliant messages to communicate with TARGET Services. Messages are broadly outlined in the relevant user detailed functional specifications (UDFS), but for specific usage guidelines, users should go to the “MyStandards” online portal which is supported by SWIFT. To access the messages provided there, users have to complete a one-time registration process.
In addition, the SWIFT MyStandards Readiness Portal allows institutions to test the messages they have developed for using TIPS and thus check whether their messages are compatible with the message formats described in the UDFS and stored in MyStandards. The Readiness Portal is open to all participants, no matter which network service provider they use to connect to TARGET Services.
The MyStandards and Readiness Portal User Manual explains how to register for MyStandards, what functionalities MyStandards and the Readiness Portal offer, and lists certain rules to follow when testing sample messages.
The mobile proxy lookup allows users to query the IBAN of a payee assigned to a specific proxy, such as a mobile phone number.
TIPS R2024.MAR (ursprünglich R2023.NOV)
Requests for changes to URD, UDFS, User Handbooks and other functional or technical documents follow a formalised change request process in the Eurosystem.
TIPS change requests can be found under the link below.