Download – bank sort codes

Deletion of bank sort codes

To establish which bank sort codes were deleted, please refer to the lists below on “bank sort code deletions on (validity date)”; the lists state all bank sort codes that were deleted during this update and the preceding one – indicating the corresponding successor bank sort code, where applicable.

This information can also be obtained directly from the bank sort code file (field 11 “Modification code” = “D” in conjunction with field 2 “Specification whether the institution is the bank sort code-carrying payment service provider (“1”) or not (“2”)” = “1” or field 13 “Indicator of successor bank sort code”).

Note: a bank sort code may only be deleted if field 2 of the data record denoted with the “Modification code” = “D” contains the number “1”. The deletion of a data record with the number “2” in field 2 means that only the data record and not the bank sort code itself has been deleted.

Information regarding the intended deletion of bank sort codes can be obtained from field 12 “Indicator of intended deletion of a bank sort code” and field 13 “Indicator of successor bank sort code”.

Download of the bank sort code files

The bank sort code file can be downloaded securely from the Bundesbank’s ExtraNet. There you will find not only the current bank sort code file but also several previous versions. The next valid bank sort code file is also available around three to four weeks before it becomes valid. The bank sort code files are available for download in ASCII format – packed and unpacked – in the formats TXT, CSV and XML.

Registration for this secure download is open to all market participants. To register, please send an e-mail stating your name, address and telephone number to the following address:

In addition to the ExtraNet download, you can also find the current bank sort code file as well as the next valid file, which is made available around three to four weeks before it becomes valid.

The files for the next update on 9 June 2025 are scheduled to be made available in May 2025.

We offer an e-mail service to inform users about new bank sort code files and to provide other information on bank sort codes which is of great importance for the smooth settlement of payment transactions. Please sign up for this service if you are interested.