No 04: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-à-vis non-residents
28.02.2025 DE
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Corresponding time series
Please note that only time series that are also available on the Internet are listed below.
Time series | Description | Direct download | Data basket |
BBBK1.M.OUA012 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Cash in hand (non-euro-area banknotes and coins) / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA013 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA014 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Credit balances and loans, bills / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA015 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Credit balances and loans, bills / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA016 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Credit balances and loans, bills / Medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA018 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Negotiable money market paper issued by banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA019 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Securities issued by banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA017 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / memo item fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA020 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA021 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Loans and bills / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA022 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Loans and bills / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA023 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Loans and bills / Medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA025 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Treasury bills and negotiable money market paper issued by non-banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA026 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Securities issued by non-banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA012 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Cash in hand (non-euro-area banknotes and coins) / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA013 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA014 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Credit balances and loans, bills / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA015 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Credit balances and loans, bills / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA016 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Credit balances and loans, bills / Medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA018 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Negotiable money market paper issued by banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA019 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Securities issued by banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA017 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign banks (MFIs) / Memo item Fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA020 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA021 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Loans and bills / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA022 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Loans and bills / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA023 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Loans and bills / Medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA025 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Treasury bills and negotiable money market paper issued by non-banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA026 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Securities issued by non-banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA024 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / memo item fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA027 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Participating interests in foreign banks and enterprises / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA028 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA029 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Sight deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA030 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Time deposits (including bank savings bonds) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA031 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Time deposits (including bank savings bonds) / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA032 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Time deposits (including bank savings bonds) / medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA033 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / memo item fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA034 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA035 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Sight deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA036 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Time deposits (including savings deposits and bank savings bonds) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA037 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Time deposits (including savings deposits and bank savings bonds) / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA038 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Time deposits (including savings deposits and bank savings bonds) / Medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA039 | Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / memo item fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA024 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Lendings to foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Memo item Fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA027 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Participating interests in foreign banks and enterprises / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA028 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA029 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Sight deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA030 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Time deposits (including bank savings bonds) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA031 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Time deposits (including bank savings bonds) / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA032 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Time deposits (including bank savings bonds) / medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA033 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign banks (MFIs) / Memo item Fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA034 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA035 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Sight deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA036 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Time deposits (including savings deposits and bank savings bonds) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA037 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Time deposits (including savings deposits and bank savings bonds) / Short-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA038 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Time deposits (including savings deposits and bank savings bonds) / Medium and long-term / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OVA039 | Changes to the time series: Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany vis-á-vis non residents / Deposits of foreign non-banks (non-MFIs) / Memo item Fiduciary loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |