No 02: Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany, by category of banks
28.02.2025 DE
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Corresponding time series
Please note that only time series that are also available on the Internet are listed below.
Time series | Description | Direct download | Data basket |
BBBK1.M.OU0331 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0308 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0081 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0098 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0083 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0103 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0086 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0087 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Bills / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0089 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Securities issued by non-banks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0310 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Other assets / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0748 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0749 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0778 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0779 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0783 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0785 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for up to and including 1 year / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0786 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0787 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0790 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0793 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Other assets / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0823 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0824 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0828 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0829 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0833 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0835 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0836 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0837 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0840 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0843 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Other assets / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0873 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0874 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0878 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0879 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0883 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0885 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0886 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0887 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0890 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0893 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Other assets / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0923 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0924 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0928 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0929 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0933 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0935 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0936 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0937 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0940 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0943 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1023 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1024 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1028 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1029 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1033 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1035 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1036 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1037 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1040 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1043 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1073 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1074 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1078 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1079 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1083 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1085 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1086 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1087 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1090 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1093 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1173 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1174 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which Securities issued by banks / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1183 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1185 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1186 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1187 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1190 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1193 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1223 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1224 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1228 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1229 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1233 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1235 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1236 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1237 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1240 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1243 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Other assets / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9318 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9319 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9320 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lending to banks (MFIs) / Total / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9712 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lending to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9713 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lending to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9714 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lending to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for up to and including 1 year / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9715 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lending to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for more than 1 year / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9716 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lending to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Securities issued by non-banks / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9717 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1423 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1424 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1428 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1429 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1433 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1435 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for up to and including 1 year / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1436 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which loans / for more than 1 year / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1437 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bills / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1440 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which securities issued by non-banks / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1443 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7671 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7672 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7676 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7677 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which securities issued by banks / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7681 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7683 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for up to and including 1 year / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7684 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for more than 1 year / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7685 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Bills / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7688 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Securities issued by non-banks / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7691 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7646 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Number of reporting institutions / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7647 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Balance sheet total / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO006 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Cash in hand and credit balances with central banks / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7651 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / Total / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7652 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which balances and loans / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO002 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to banks (MFIs) / of which Securities issued by banks / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7656 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7658 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for up to and including 1 year / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7659 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Loans / for more than 1 year / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7660 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Bills / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7663 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Lendings to non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Securities issued by non-banks / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7666 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Participating interests / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO007 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other assets / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0001 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0189 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0191 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0192 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0197 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / Total / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0196 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0195 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0370 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU0322 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUA008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1523 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1525 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1531 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1533 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1538 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3090 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1537 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1540 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1543 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUB008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1570 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1572 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1578 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1580 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1585 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3148 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1584 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1587 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1590 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUC008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Big banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1617 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1619 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1625 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1627 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1632 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3206 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1631 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1634 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1637 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUD008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Regional banks and other commercial banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1664 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1666 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1672 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1674 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1679 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3264 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1678 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1681 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1684 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUE008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Branches of foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1758 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1760 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1766 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1768 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Memo item Liabilities arising from repos / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1773 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3380 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1772 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1775 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1778 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUG008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Landesbanken |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1805 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1807 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1813 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1815 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1820 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3438 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1819 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1822 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1825 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUH008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Savings banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1899 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1901 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1907 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1909 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item: Liabilities arising from repos / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1914 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3554 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1913 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which bank savings bonds / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1916 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1919 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUL008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Credit cooperatives |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1946 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1948 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1954 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1956 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1961 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3612 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1963 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU1966 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUM008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Mortgage banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9718 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9719 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which Sight deposits / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9783 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9784 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Sight deposits / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9785 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / Total / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9786 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9787 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Bank savings bonds / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9788 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU9789 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUU008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Building and loan associations |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2134 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2136 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2142 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2144 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which sight deposits / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2149 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / Total / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU3844 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2151 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU2154 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUN008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Banks with special, development and other central support tasks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7749 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7751 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which Sight deposits / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7757 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7759 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Sight deposits / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7764 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / Total / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU8285 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7763 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Bank savings bonds / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7766 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7769 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUP008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7724 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / Total / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7726 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which Sight deposits / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO004 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of banks (MFIs) / of which time deposits / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7732 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / Total / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7734 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Sight deposits / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO177 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for up to and including 1 year / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO178 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which time deposits / for more than 1 year / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO179 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which memo item liabilities arising from repos / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7739 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / Total / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU8270 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Savings deposits / of which with 3 months´ notice / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7738 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Deposits of non-banks (non-MFIs) / of which Bank savings bonds / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7741 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Bearer debt securities outstanding / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OU7744 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / Capital including published reserves, participation rights capital, funds for general banking risks / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OUO008 | Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany by category of banks / other liabilities / Banks majority-owned by foreign banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |