OECD/INFE Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies in Germany
The survey collects relevant information about respondents' financial literacy, financial inclusion and socio-demographics. Of particular interest are the financial knowledge, behaviour and attitudes as well as awareness and holding of financial products of adults in Germany. The questionnaire consists of 40 questions and covers e.g. topics such as keeping track of finances, making-ends-meet and longer-term financial planning. Furthermore, numeracy skills within a financial context and basic knowledge of financial concepts (e.g. time-value of money, compound interest or diversification) are tested.
The survey is coordinated by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) and was developed to provide internationally comparable data on financial literacy and financial inclusion. The first two waves were carried out in 2010 and 2016 by the Deutsche Bundesbank in cooperation with the market research institute GfK. In total, about 1000 telephone interviews were conducted via random digit dialling in each wave. Data for the third survey wave were collected by BaFin. BaFin along with the Deutsche Bundesbank is also a member of the OECD/INFE network and since the third wave responsible for data collection for this project. The anonymized micro data for all four waves are available as Scientific Use Files.
Available modules
The data is divided into multiple survey waves that can be applied for individually or together.
Units worth protecting
No units worth protecting as the data is available as a scientific use file.
Available access modes
For each DOI-registered research dataset, the RDSC provides extensive documentation in the form of a data report as well as detailed metadata on DataCite.
The data sets are registered with DOI (Digital Object Identifier, an international standard for data citation) at DataCite.