Thomas Ollinger ©Antje Meichsner-Armbrust

Dr Thomas Ollinger Director General Procurement

Since September 2024
Director General Procurement

2019 - 2024
President of the Regional Office in Hesse, Demographics Officer

2013 – 2019
Director General Human Resources

2008 - 2012
Deputy Director General Human Resources

2007 - 2008
Joined the Human Resources Department as Deputy Head of the Office for Policy Issues

Secondment to the Directorate-General Legal Services at the ECB

Secondment to the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission in Brussels

Joined the Bundesbank's Legal Department

Second state examination in law, awarded a doctorate (Dr iur)

1994 - 1996
Legal trainee (having passed the first state law examination)

1991 - 1994
Research assistant at the University of Trier

First state examination in law

1986 - 1991 
Degree in law at the University of Trier

Senior school leaving certificate