Backstage Bundesbank on 17 and 18 September 2022: "Bargeld - Backstage Bundesbank" ©Nils Thies

The Bundesbank’s tasks Experience. Learn. Meet.

Our six info tents focus on the Bundesbank’s tasks and on the Bundesbank as an employer. The ECB will also be here, with an information tent themed around “Celebrating Europe”. 

And here’s a taste of what to expect from each tent.

  • “Shaping monetary policy”: Fun activities will give you a feel for how monetary policy works, how inflation is created and what instruments central banks use to counter it. 
  • “Safeguarding financial stability”: Learn what makes for a stable financial system and what happens when individual building blocks are missing. 
  • “Supervising banks”: Find out why speed is of the essence when it comes to supervising banks and put your reaction times to the test. 
  • “Paying in cash”: Examine a “fake fifty” and get all your euro coins in a row in our version of the classic game “Connect Four”. 
  • “Paying digitally”: Take a look into the future of payment, learn more about the digital euro and see if you have a steady enough hand to beat our “live wire” game. 
  • “Valuable work”: Learn more about career opportunities and career paths at the Bundesbank and get to know some members of staff. 
  • ECB guest tent: Show what you know about the ECB’s tasks and European values and discuss them with ECB experts.