Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Zehn Jahre TARGET2 – eine Erfolgsgeschichte wird fortgesetzt Jubiläumsveranstaltung "Zehn Jahre TARGET2"
Why business needs values – what we can learn from the banking sector Speech delivered at Academie Kloster Eberbach
The German economy and the demographic factor Speech at forum WHU
Keynote speech Speech at the Frankfurt European Banking Congress "Europe into a New Era – How to Seize the Opportunities"
Der Renminbi im internationalen Zahlungsverkehr 4th European-Chinese Banking Day im Rahmen der Euro Finance Week
Smart Payments - Die Weichen sind gestellt Key Note auf der Payments Konferenz im Rahmen der Euro Finance Week
Warum Cybersecurity eine zentrale Bedeutung für Notenbanken hat Cybercrime Forum bei der Euro Finance Week
Interest rates and the banking industry – a topsy-turvy world? Speech at the 63rd Kreditpolitische Tagung 2017
In the assessment of Bundesbank Executive Board member Andreas Dombret, persistently low interest rates are putting a long-standing system of values in danger of toppling. At a speech in Frankfurt, he noted that artificially low interest rates could not only frustrate the long-term strategies of savers, investors and credit institutions, but even prevent economically necessary adjustments.
Finanzstabilität und die "Doppelte Dividende" Beitrag anlässlich des Banken- und Unternehmensabends der Hauptverwaltung in Bayern zum Jubiläum "60 Jahre Deutsche Bundesbank"