Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Navigating challenging times: a closer look at Europe’s financial system Speech at the 21st Annual Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Europe and the United States, organised by the Program on International Financial Systems and Harvard Law School
Resilient retail banking: Setting the course towards a robust financial sector 21st Retail Banking Day of the “Börsen-Zeitung”: Next level banking – digital, smart and sustainable
Are crypto-assets a threat to financial stability? Speech prepared for the seminar series Women in Finance - University of Hohenheim
Getting inflation under control in turbulent times Speech given at the Peterson Institute for International Economics
Bezahlen – damals, heute und morgen Vortrag im Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank | Teil des Rahmenprogramms der Ausstellung „Inflation 1923. Krieg, Geld, Trauma“ des Historischen Museums Frankfurt
Impulsvortrag „Finanzwirtschaft in der Zeitenwende: Chancen und Risiken der Transformationsfinanzierung aus Sicht der Bundesbank“ 3. Bankentag NRW
The Euro goes digital – Das Projekt „Digitaler Euro“ Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „Kommt der digitale Euro? Gehört die Zukunft den Central Bank Digital Currencies?“ an der Andrássy-Universität Budapest
Versicherungen im Zeichen der Zinswende Festrede anlässlich des 100. Jubiläums des Badischen Gemeinde-Versicherungs-Verbands
The labour market – supporting the economy or fuelling inflation? Speech at the OMFIF Economic and Monetary Policy Institute