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Weidmann and Mauderer: Protecting the climate a hugely important topic for central banks
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann and Executive Board member Sabine Mauderer say that central banks do have a part to play in forging a more sustainable financial system. But speaking at a conference in Frankfurt am Main, they both warned against overburdening monetary policymakers with climate policy objectives.
Bundesbank reassigns key management posts
03.05.2019 DE
Diana Rutzka-Hascher, previously President of the Bundesbank’s Regional Office in Hesse, is now head of the Bank's Directorate General Human Resources at Central Office, while HR chief Thomas Ollinger has taken her position as the new President of the Regional Office. Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann congratulated the two officials at a function in Frankfurt am Main attended by around 170 invited guests.
Forecast: German economy remains on solid growth path
Despite the setback in the third quarter of 2018, the German economy should continue to see solid growth for the time being, in the Bundesbank’s estimation. The Bank’s recently published autumn forecast primarily attributes the slight decline in economic output in the previous quarter to temporary difficulties in the automotive industry and believes it will be overcome rapidly.
Summary of the March Monthly Report
The German economy was buoyant during the first three months of the year. The Bundesbank economists, writing in the latest Monthly Report, expect economic output to remain on a marked upward trajectory in the second quarter. Another topic they discuss is what needs to be done to strengthen the regulatory framework underpinning European monetary union.
Silvana Tenreyro awarded the Carl Menger Prize
This year saw the Carl Menger Prize for Economics awarded to economist Silvana Tenreyro. Achim Wambach presented her with the award, which comes with prize money of €20,000, at the annual meeting of the German Economic Association in Freiburg.
Germany hands over G20 presidency to Argentina
On 1 December, Germany handed presidency of the G20 over to Argentina. The priorities of Argentina’s presidency in the Finance track will be "The future of work" and "Infrastructure for development".