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Keeping in touch - News from Europe and from the European banking sector Speech in celebration of the change of office at the embassy in São Paulo
Acquisition of financial assets and financing in Germany in the second quarter of 2012
Selected results of the financial accounts by sector
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the first quarter of 2020 Results of the financial accounts by sector
Zum Ende des ersten Quartals 2020 betrug das Geldvermögen der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland 6 337 Mrd €.
Central bank independence and the mandate – evolving views Remarks prepared for the international high-level symposium in honour of Stefan Ingves
Acquisition of financial assets and financing in Germany in the first quarter of 2013
At the end of the first quarter of 2013, the financial assets of households rose by €52 billion, or 1.1%, on the previous quarter to just under €4,992 billion. The acquisition of financial assets was comparable to the first quarters of the previous years, with only a small percentage of this increase, around €5 billion, attributable to capital market gains.
Quarterly borrowers statistics 03/1999-12/2023 – Data Report 2024-08 – Metadata Version 4 Tobias Krodel, Miriam Krüger, Mirko Schäfer
691 KB, PDF
Geschäftspartnerumfrage zum Thema „Collateral Scarcity“
20.12.2018 No English translation available
Der Zentralbereich Zahlungsverkehr und Abwicklungssysteme hat eine Umfrage unter 14 ausgewählten Geschäftspartnern zum Thema „Veränderte Sicherheitennutzung und Collateral Scarcity“ durchgeführt. Aktuell zeigen sich keine Anzeichen einer generellen Knappheit, jedoch stellen viele der befragten Geschäftspartner einen signifikanten Bedarfsanstieg an hochqualitativen Sicherheiten fest.
Monthly Report: Economy off to sluggish start in Q3
The German economy got the third quarter off to a sluggish start. “
This was due primarily to export-oriented industry, where the downturn continued,
” according to the current issue of the Bundesbank’s Monthly Report. -
Communiqué of G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
22 KB, PDF