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Der Informationsgehalt von Umfragedaten zur erwarteten Preisentwicklung für die Geldpolitik Diskussionspapier 09/2001: Christina Gerberding
240 KB, PDF
An affine macro-finance term structure model for the euro area Discussion paper 13/2007: Wolfgang Lemke
960 KB, PDF
The impact of aging and automation on the macroeconomy and inequality Discussion paper 30/2020: Nikolai Stähler
693 KB, PDF
Completeness, interconnectedness and distribution of interbank exposures - a parameterized analysis of the stability of financial networks Discussion paper 08/2010: Angelika Sachs
377 KB, PDF
Inter-cohort risk sharing with long-term guarantees: Evidence from German participating contracts Discussion paper 10/2021: Johan Hombert, Axel Möhlmann, Matthias Weiß
593 KB, PDF
Monetary policy and banking business Article from the Monthly Report November 2015
374 KB, PDF
Measuring price dynamics of package holidays with transaction data Discussion paper 24/2020: Karola Henn, Chris-Gabriel Islam, Patrick Schwind, Elisabeth Wieland