8th Annual Macroprudential Conference Deutsche Bundesbank – De Nederlandsche Bank – Sveriges Riksbank

Together with De Nederlandsche Bank and Sveriges Riksbank, the Bundesbank organised the 8th Macroprudential Conference in Eltville/Rhine. This year's conference focussed on topics such as dealing with interest rate risks, capital buffers for banks and unconventional monetary policy. Tobias Adrian from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave the keynote speech.

The conference provides an excellent opportunity for high-ranking policy makers, representatives of the private sector and prominent academics from all over the world to discuss issues in the macroprudential field (broadly defined). The research papers written especially for this conference will be available for download after the conference.

The conference series is supported by a scientific committee consisting of Anil Kashyap, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Thomas Philippon, Rafael Repullo and Hélène Rey. 

The conference is open for invited speakers and guests only.