Past courses
Since 1995, the Bundesbank has been offering international central banking courses for central bank staff from around the world. These courses are held either in person or online (see the course description – please make sure to take note of this when registering). About 20 participants from other central banks can attend the courses, which are held in English. Owing to limited capacity, only one participant from each central bank may attend. More than 600 members of central banks from 80 countries participate in our international central banking courses each year.
The goal of the courses is to provide an international forum to exchange ideas, opinions and thoughts, going beyond the mere transfer of specialist expertise. The Bundesbank therefore applies a discerning approach to the design of its international central banking courses. Depending on the target group (management, specialists, beginners or junior staff), the courses either take the form of a seminar, a course with practical parts, (eg on the computer), a discussion forum, or simply a workshop. The length of the course varies, ranging from three days to one week.
Frequently answered questions
Current courses
Here you will find information on past courses (from 2023).
If you are interested in a course that has already taken place and you would like to attend next time, please send us an e-mail to
Central bank digital currency – current aspects and future challenges Expert panel
Economists and policymakers in central banks who strive to enhance their knowledge of digital central bank currency and the work done in central banks. Participants should have a sound knowledge of CBDC issues or of related issues with regard to payment systems, monetary policy, financial stability or banking supervision.
Monetary policy implementation In cooperation with the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI)
(i) Junior to mid-level central bank officials working in monetary policy operations; and (ii) officials from central banks or ministries of finance/economy whose responsibilities require, or who have a strong interest in acquiring, a thorough understanding of monetary policy implementation.
Understanding climate risk – an introduction
Junior to mid-level central bank officials working in the areas of monetary policy, monetary policy implementation, financial stability, banking supervision, banking regulation or international relations with a focus on challenges arising from climate, nature, and wider sustainability issues.
Participants knowledgeable in the area of climate, environmental or nature-related risks are invited to contribute short presentations based on their own expertise in this field to facilitate an interactive course.
Cash centre project
This online course is aimed at experienced experts or executives from cash departments wishing to expand their knowledge. There will be the opportunity to learn more about putting together a project team for a revamping programme, particularly a cash centre, with an emphasis on planning and decision-making.
This online course will be of particular interest to employees of central banks planning to revamp their cash processing procedures or buy new equipment, or those considering setting up a cash centre.
Developing local currency financial markets
The course is aimed at mid-level central bankers who are active in the area of financial market development and would like to get an overview and a deeper understanding of strategic and operational approaches to developing financial markets. Applicants should have at least two years of practical experience in the field of financial market development and should have a sound understanding of key concepts and knowledge of the fundamentals of financial market structures and operations. Participants are expected to make an active contribution to the course and to share their knowledge and experiences with their peers.
Cash demand planning
This online course is aimed at those new to roles in a central bank’s cash department who would like an introduction to planning future demand and monitoring the cash stock, through to more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge as well as those responsible for supervising such processes.
Sustainable and green finance
The course is aimed at experts in banking supervision, financial stability from central banks. They should have a thorough understanding of interdependencies within financial systems, knowledge of banking supervision and regulation. They should also have a grasp of current regulatory developments with respect to sustainable and green finance worldwide. Active participation in the form of a short presentation on green finance initiatives is mandatory.
Current Focus: The making and the results of Bundesbank’s current supervisory stress test on LSIs
This online course is aimed at colleagues in central banks and supervisory authorities who are interested in supervisory stress testing on banks. It is especially useful for colleagues working in banking supervision or financial stability.
Controlling at central banks
The course is designed for high-level employees from non-EU countries who work in controlling at their central bank. Applicants should be familiar with cost accounting and budgeting. Participants are expected to make an active contribution to discussions, drawing on their own experiences.
Current challenges in cash management Online expert panel
This panel is aimed at those who would like to examine the future path of cash management, through to more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge in order to be able to advise senior management or board members as well as the head of division in the cash department of their institutions.