Recovery and resolution with a focus on credit institutions Expert panel

In cooperation with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)


3 days

Deadline for application

28 March 2025


One of the main takeaways from the financial crisis of 2007‑08 was that the existing legal framework was insufficient and that a set of adequate tools was required to deal effectively with unsound or failing credit institutions. To fill this gap, the FSB published “Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions” in 2011. This has been incorporated into national law in many countries, and applies to banks in particular.

The expert panel provides an overview of the recovery and resolution regime at the global, European and national levels, with a particular focus on the transposition of the recovery and resolution regime in the banking union.

In addition, the seminar offers a platform for participants to discuss recovery and resolution regimes, as well as related initiatives for improved crisis management in their home jurisdictions, and to share experiences in this field.

Participants are expected to make an active contribution to the discussions and will be invited to present and discuss current challenges related to recovery and resolution in their own jurisdiction. Participants are welcome to present their own analyses related to the topic of the course.


  • Elements and assessment of recovery plans
  • Lessons and current challenges in recovery planning from the point of view of supervisory authorities and banks
  • Resolution objectives, strategies and tools
  • Experience in resolution planning
  • Total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) and minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL)
  • Experiences with failing banks

Target group

This panel is aimed at experts from the supervisory, resolution or financial stability areas of their central bank or supervisory authority. Participants should be familiar with the current international debate on resolution policies and frameworks, or with the legislation adopted or under consideration in their own jurisdiction. Active participation is an essential part of the course.

Please note:

A nomination is required in order to participate in our in-person courses.

Registration deadline: 28. March 2025, 23:59 p.m.