Discussion papers
The discussion papers with economic studies or financial and banking studies are elaborated by the research center of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
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What drives portfolio investments of German banks in emerging capital markets? Discussion paper 04/2010: Christian Wildmann
453 KB, PDF
Purchase and redemption decisions of mutual fund investors and the role of fund families Discussion paper 03/2010: Stephan Jank, Michael Wedow
196 KB, PDF
Recovery determinants of distressed banks: Regulators, market discipline, or the environment? Discussion paper 02/2010: Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter, Tigran Poghosyan
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On the nonlinear influence of Reserve Bank of Australia interventions on exchange rates Discussion paper 08/2010: Stefan Reitz, Jan-Christoph Rülke, Mark P. Taylor
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Monetary policy, housing booms and financial (im)balances Discussion paper 07/2010: Sandra Eickmeier, Boris Hofmann
597 KB, PDF
Deriving the term structure of banking crisis risk with a compound option approach: the case of Kazakhstan Discussion paper 01/2010: Stefan Eichler, Alexander Karmann, Dominik Maltritz
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Empirical simultaneous confidence regions for path-forecasts Discussion paper 06/2010: Òscar Jordà, Malte Knüppel, Massimiliano Marcellino
Loan supply in Germany during the financial crisis Discussion paper 05/2010: Ulrike Busch, Michael Scharnagl, Jan Scheithauer
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Heterogeneity in money holdings across euro area countries: the role of housing Discussion paper 04/2010: Ralph Setzer, Paul van den Noord, Guntram B. Wolff
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Exports versus FDI revisited: Does finance matter? Discussion paper 03/2010: Claudia M. Buch, Iris Kesternich, Alexander Lipponer, Monika Schnitzer
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