Discussion papers
The discussion papers with economic studies or financial and banking studies are elaborated by the research center of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
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Does it pay to have friends? Social ties and executive appointments in banking Discussion paper 18/2011: Allen N. Berger, Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter, Klaus Schaeck
269 KB, PDF
Transitions in the German labor market: structure and crisis Discussion paper 34/2011: Michael U. Krause, Harald Uhlig
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Evaluating the calibration of multi-step-ahead density forecasts using raw moments Discussion paper 32/2011: Malte Knüppel
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Bank-related loan supply factors during the crisis: an analysis based on the German bank lending survey Discussion paper 31/2011: Barno Blaes
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The use of tax havens in exemption regimes Discussion paper 30/2011: Anna Gumpert, James R. Hines, Jr., Monika Schnitzer
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Cross-border bank lending, risk aversion and the financial crisis Discussion paper 29/2011: Cornelia Düwel, Rainer Frey, Alexander Lipponer
392 KB, PDF
U-MIDAS: MIDAS regressions with unrestricted lag polynomials Discussion paper 35/2011: Claudia Foroni, Massimiliano Marcellino, Christian Schumacher
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Reforming the labor market and improving competitiveness: an analysis for Spain using FiMod Discussion paper 28/2011: Tim Schwarzmüller, Nikolai Stähler
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How do credit supply shocks propagate internationally? A GVAR approach Discussion paper 27/2011: Sandra Eickmeier, Tim Ng
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Detecting multiple breaks in long memory: the case of U.S. inflation Discussion paper 26/2011: Uwe Hassler, Barbara Meller
675 KB, PDF