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Discussion paper: fiscal policy's marginal impact on economic growth in other euro-area countries
A study conducted by the Bundesbank's Research Centre shows that Germany's expansionary fiscal policy had a stimulating effect during the crisis. However, its impact on other countries within the euro area was marginal.
New Bundesbank projection: German economy on growth path
Bundesbank projection: German economy on sound upward path
Germany's economy is on a sound upward path, as indicated by the Deutsche Bundesbank's semi-annual economic projection. Domestic demand is the chief driver of the current upswing.
Beware Bitcoin Guest contribution in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper
Bundesbank Executive Board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele considers Bitcoin a risky and highly speculative form of investment. "
It’s also possible for Bitcoin holdings to be completely wiped out
," he writes in an op-ed for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. In addition, he draws attention to Bitcoin’s high level of energy consumption, citing Bundesbank estimates that settling a Bitcoin transaction uses roughly 460,000 times as much electricity as a normal transfer. -
Table Financial assets and liabilities (non-consolidated)
19 KB, PDF
Table Acquisition of financial assets and financing (non-consolidated)
82 KB, PDF
Climate change and central banks Welcome address at the Deutsche Bundesbank’s second Financial Markets Conference