Bundesbank publishes inaugural environmental report

Bundesbank's environmental report on an iPad ©Alexander Iwan

The Bundesbank is committed to making a sustainable contribution to protecting the environment and preventing climate change. Environmental considerations have already been playing an increasingly important role in the Bundesbank’s activities for many years. The Bundesbank has now published its inaugural environmental report. This report also outlines the environmental guideline on which it bases its activities. The environmental guideline states a clear objective. "We want to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions we produced by a total of 10% in 2020 compared to the levels in 2013 and 2014," explained Bundesbank Executive Board member Johannes Beermann, whose areas of responsibility at the Bundesbank include administration and construction. "The Bundesbank seeks to reduce emissions by 25% by 2025," Beermann continued.

Heating consumption is the main factor

Emissions are measured in units known as CO2 equivalents (CO2e), which allow the environmental impact of different greenhouse gases to be compared. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is used as a reference value. The Bundesbank’s greenhouse gas emissions amounted to 26,590 tonnes of CO2e in 2014. Heating consumption is the main factor in the Bundesbank’s greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for just under two-thirds of the volume.

Annual environmental report

In its environmental guideline, the Bundesbank has defined four areas of activity in which it is pursuing ambitious targets for reducing overall emissions: resources, energy, mobility, and management and communication. It uses an energy and environmental management system to coordinate all the measures and activities needed to achieve these goals. The relatively old stock of buildings is one reason for the high level of heating consumption. "We are therefore planning to modernise where necessary," Beermann explained. The Bundesbank will provide regular updates on the progress it makes in its environmental policy.