Real-time database
On these pages of the real-time database, the Deutsche Bundesbank provides real-time data sets of macroeconomic indicators (subject to revision), which can be displayed and downloaded.
Please note the following.
- This service is best accessed using a JavaScript-enabled browser.
- The download function requires that your browser accepts cookies.
- We recommend using the conventional browser versions.
The Bundesbank's real-time database is extended on a regular basis.
The real-time database can be found in the "Time series databases" section.All the indicators of the real-time database are compiled in lists of indicators, which have been categorised using a hierarchical tree structure. You can access this directly via the menu item "Real-time data".
The data basket can be found in the "Service" section and the text and key search function can be found in the "Statistics search" section.
The indicator tree allows you to search all the available topics in the database on a step-by-step basis.A single click is all that is required to open and close the individual nodes of the tree structure. Your selected path takes you directly to the available indicators.
The linked "matrix view page" provides information about the path, indicator key and the available vintages.Furthermore, you are able to select a direct download or to place indicators in your data basket.
When you display an indicator by clicking on the relevant key, you are able to retrace the path of the indicator and enter different settings to determine how the indicator is to be displayed. When you call up the page for the first time, the current values of the indicator are always displayed.
The observation period defines the y-axis and the desired vintages are arranged horizontally next to each other. The column heading corresponds to the publication date of a vintage and is displayed in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
When you press the "Apply" button, the display is updated to show your entries.
In order to improve readability of the value table in the case of very extensive reporting periods, related years are visibly grouped and can, if required, be displayed individually using the "Observation period" function.
The "Show/hide vintage attributes" function provides you with further information about the displayed values.
Values are displayed with figures grouped into sets of three.Please take note of the language settings when displaying the values. (For example, German: 123.456,7 and English: 123,456.7)
If you are using "Internet Explorer" as your browser, the value table can be copied to Excel using the copy-and-paste function.
All the values that are shown in the table can also be represented graphically.By pressing the "Apply" button, the graph is updated to take account of your entries from the observation period and the vintages.
Explanation of the indicator key and attributes
The indicator key, the path and the attributes of the respective indicator are displayed in a small window. The number of existing vintages and the publication dates of the first and the last vintages are also displayed. Furthermore, there is a table containing the key components and a table containing the attributes, together with their corresponding values and meanings.
In the case of certain indicators, you are also offered "methodical information" in PDF format, which provides information about the sources and metadata of the indicator.
Text search
You can use the indicator search function to search the database for a specific word or text string. The search is not case-sensitive.
Key search: "Real-time data"
The real-time data key search function can be found in the "Statistics search" section à located on the "Real-time data" tab.
A key search function is provided, which you can use to manually enter the indicator key in order to navigate to the indicator that you are searching for.
The eight indicator-related key components are displayed in the pre-defined order. In the text fields next to the relevant key components, you can enter one or more search criterion/criteria, separated by a comma. The search is not case-sensitive. The key components "Accounting system", "Indicator category" and "Indicator identification" are highlighted, as these three key components form a segment with a hierarchical structure.
The best procedure for assigning these key components is from top to bottom.
An indication is given in each text field as to how many codes can be used for the search. This number depends on the pre-defined search criteria. A list of all the possible codes can be displayed by clicking the "Show list" function.
By pressing the "Apply" button, the page is reloaded and the list of available codes is updated.
You can remove the lock again by re-clicking the padlock symbol. This page offers an autocomplete mode. If this function is activated and only one code exists for a key component, the system enters this code automatically. This mode is deactivated by default.
Moreover, the number of indicators (absolute and as a percentage of the total number of indicators) found for the current search is displayed.
The "Show selection" function searches the database according to the criteria that you specified and generates a results list below the search form.
Code assistant
On this page you will find a list of all the relevant codes for the respective key components resulting from the search, together with their descriptions.Any codes already entered in the text field are indicated. Using the checkboxes, you can select one or more codes for your search or cancel your selection again.
If a code is displayed without a description, this means that the code is not defined in the code list.
By pressing the "Apply selection" button (in which case the search criteria are applied) or the "Cancel" button (in which case the search criteria are not applied), you are directed back to the previous page. Here, the current search criterion is entered in the corresponding text field.
Results list
In the results list of the key search, which is generated below the search window, you will find all the indicators matching your search criteria, alphabetically sorted according to indicator key.
Furthermore, you have the option to carry out a direct download or to place the indicator or indicators in the data basket.
The real-time database's time series have a multi-component, systematic SDMX key which enables systematic navigation and searching.
The key has the following structure.
Area (countries, country groups)
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally or working-day adjusted
Statistical accounting system
Business activity and labour market indicators according to branches
Indicator category
Indicator identification
Price or reference unit
At constant prices
Calculation base
Publication date: year
Publication date: month
Publication date: day
The key for an indicator is made up of key components 1-8, which are written one after the other and separated by a dot.There is also a time series key consisting of components 1-11.
Each time series contains attributes which are not part of the time series key. These are as follows:
Indicator level
eg "Federal Statistical Office"
Description of the indicator
Vintage level
Unit in which the values are specified
Factor by which the data must be multiplied in order to attain the actual values
Number of decimal places
Recording method
Storage method used at the Bundesbank
Base year
Base year for indices or prices
Example: M.DE.N.I.IP1.ACM01.C.I
Example: M.DE.N.I.IP1.ACM01.C.I.2008.01.09