Balance of payments

The balance of payments records all economic transactions between residents and non-residents within a given time period and thus shows a country’s complex economics links with the rest of the world.

Current data and changes compared with the previous month

Further information

Current account by countries

100 years of the German balance of payments: 1924 to 2024

To mark the anniversary, we would like to take a look back. We will take you on a short journey through history and show you where the balance of payments in 1924 and 2024 are still very similar and where they differ (significantly).

Statistical reports on the balance of payments

The compilation of large macroeconomic statistics such as the balance of payments is always a puzzle. Which sources are available and which gaps still need to be filled? Especially in the early days of the balance of payments, each compilation of the statistics was more like independent research work. 

After the end of World War 2, it was not possible to simply hold foreign currency in Germany. It was necessary to apply for the foreign exchange required for foreign transactions (foreign exchange management). This was an excellent source of measuring cross-border transactions when drawing up the balance of payments statistics. Over time, however, foreign exchange management has become more and more relaxed, meaning that more and more indirect sources and estimates had to be used to compile the statistics. 

The year 1961 is a milestone for the preparation of the balance of payments statistics. This year, the Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation with reporting requirements for the balance of payments was adopted. It stipulates that both holdings and payments with non-residents must be reported directly to the Bundesbank. The balance of payments has been given its own collection tool. This has significantly stabilised the process of creating data, which is an important basis for producing high-quality figures comparable over time. Although the collection system is constantly being adapted to the changing world, it was created with so much foresight at that time that the basic system still exists today.

External link
in German only

Verordnung zur Durchführung des Außenwirtschaftsgesetzes 31.08.1961 | Bundesgesetzblatt – Teil I, Nr. 69