Balance of payments

The balance of payments records all economic transactions between residents and non-residents within a given time period and thus shows a country’s complex economics links with the rest of the world.

Current data and changes compared with the previous month

Further information

Current account by countries

100 years of the German balance of payments: 1924 to 2024

To mark the anniversary, we would like to take a look back. We will take you on a short journey through history and show you where the balance of payments in 1924 and 2024 are still very similar and where they differ (significantly).

Publication of results

Zahlungsbilanzstatistik – aktualisierte Ausgabe

The Bundesbank traditionally published statistical results in the annexe to the Monthly Report. As the results for the various Bundesbank statistics are so extensive that the Monthly Report would be too thick, most of the re-sults were separated out into so-called supplements to the Monthly Report. These printed publications could be ordered for each interest additional to the Monthly Report. The printing of the supplements was discontinued at the end of 2018. The information was then only made available as a pdf file.

In April 2020, the supplements were replaced by the so-called statistical series. Even if the statistical series ap-pear to be very similar to the supplements at first glance, there is a decisive difference. The results in the statis-tical series are no longer made available on a reference date. Instead, each table can have its own publication date. This means that the latest information is always available in the statistical series. These current series of subjects can be found on the respective statistics pages on the right under “Data”.

In addition to this issue, regular (usually monthly) “frozen” versions are available on the Bundesbank’s website under Publications in order to make it easier to quote in scientific papers.

Internal Links

Current statistical series

Balance of payments statistics Tables of the Statistical Series

Frozen statistical series

Balance of payments statistics