Balance of payments Further tables
Further tables on the topic of balance of payments supplement the tables of the Statistical Series Balance of payments statistics.
Balance of payments statistics
Supplementary tables (partly in German)
The latest reporting month should be regarded as provisional in all cases. Subsequent changes appearing in the following issue are therefore not marked.
Tables Corresponding Time Series TOP 10 countries by Current account positions 89 KB, XLSX — Balance of Payments according to the Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus (SDDS Plus) 169 KB, PDF Corresponding time series Außenhandel und Dienstleistungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit dem Ausland 680 KB, XLSX — Workers' remittances and compensation of employees 63 KB, XLSX — Revisions to the balance of payments for the Monthly Report March 2024 221 KB, XLSX — 2024 benchmark revisions to the balance of payments statistics 472 KB, XLSX — Anniversary: 100 years of balance of payments statistics 39 KB, XLSX — Country portraitsYou are interested in data on other countries or groups of countries? If so, please don't hesitate to contact us directly.
Tables Corresponding Time Series Country portrait: United States 160 KB, XLSX — Country portrait: EU member states (27) 165 KB, XLSX —