Fifteenth Meeting of the Ottawa Group 2017 International Working Group on Price Statistics

The Deutsche Bundesbank highly welcomes the opportunity to organise the 15th Meeting of the Ottawa Group on Price Indices – the gathering of the world’s leading price statistical experts.

The meeting will take place from 10 to 12 May 2017 at the Conference Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank in the city of Eltville am Rhein. The Conference Centre is about 50 km from Frankfurt am Main and scenically located at the Rhine River.

The invitation and call for papers as well as the topics for discussion can be found below.

Day 1 – 10 May 2017

Opening speech
09:30 – 10:00
Claudia Buch © Alexandra Lechner

Prof Dr Claudia M Buch,
Vice-President of the Deutsche Bundesbank

Opening Speech

Session 1: Index theory and practice; Chairperson: Marcel van Kints
10:30 – 12:30

Session 2: House price indices (HPIs); Chairperson: Martin Eiglsperger
13:45 – 15:15
  • Gregg Patrick:
    Ireland’s new residential property price index
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Timm Behrmann, Bernhard Goldhammer:
    New developments in the field of house and rental price indices in German price statistics in the light of the hedonic method
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Erwin Diewert, Ning Huang, Kate Burnett-Issacs:
    Alternative approaches for resale housing price indexes
    AbstractPaper  |  Presentation

Session 3: Hedonic methods for HPIs; Chairperson: Christopher Jenkins
15:30 – 17:00
  • Mick Silver:
    How to better measure hedonic residential property price indexes
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Robert Hill, Michael Scholz, Chihiro Shimizu, Miriam Steurer:
    An evaluation of the hedonic methods used by European National Statistical Institutes to compute their official House Price Indices
    Abstract  |  Paper |  Presentation
  • Robert Hill, Alicia Rambaldi, Michael Scholz:
    Weekly hedonic house price indices: an imputation approach from a spatio-temporal model
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation

Day 2 – 11 May 2017

Commemoration Peter von der Lippe; Chairperson: Jens Mehrhoff
09:00 – 09:30

Session 4: Property price statistics; Chairperson: David Fenwick
09:30 – 10:30
  • Robert Szemere:
    BIS consumer and property price statistics: cross-country comparability and historical perspective
    Abstract  |  Presentation
  • Andrew Kanutin:
    Real estate statistics – building from the micro level
    Abstract  |  Presentation

Session 5: Commercial property prices; Chairperson: Joachim Recktenwald
11:00 – 12:30
  • Erwin Diewert, Chihiro Shimizu:
    Commercial property price indexes for Tokyo revisited
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Inês Gonçalves Raposo, Rui Evangelista:
    A transactions-based commercial property price index for Portugal
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Barra Casey:
    Developing a new commercial property statistical system (CPSS) for Ireland
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation

Session 6: Challenges of "big data", Chairperson: Carsten Boldsen
14:00 – 16:00
  • Marcel van Kints:
    Enhancing the Australian CPI: making greater use of transactions data to compile the Australian CPI
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Alan Bentley, Frances Krsinich:
    Towards a big data CPI for New Zealand
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Josef Auer, Ingolf Boettcher:
    From price collection to price data analytics – How new large data sources require price statisticians to re-think their index compilation procedures. Experiences from web-scraped and scanner data.
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Jens Mehrhoff:
    A "big data" gaze at why electronic transactions and web-scraped data are no panacea
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation

Session 7: Multilateral index methods; Chairperson: Bert Balk
16:30 – 18:30
  • Antonio Chessa, Johan Verburg, Leon Willenborg:
    A comparison of price index methods for scanner data
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Erwin Diewert, Kevin Fox:
    Substitution bias in multilateral methods for CPI construction using scanner data
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Claude Lamboray:
    The Geary Khamis index and the Lehr index: how much do they differ?
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Jan de Haan, Rens Hendriks, Michael Scholz:
    A comparison of weighted time-product dummy and time dummy hedonic indexes
    Abstract  |  PaperPresentation

Day 3 – 12 May 2017

Session 8: Issues with new data sources; Chairperson: Erwin Diewert
09:00 – 10:30
  • Jörgen Dalén:
    Unit values in scanner data – some operational issues
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Elizabeth Metcalfe, Tanya Flower, Thomas Lewis, Matthew Mayhew, Edward Rowland:
    Research indices using web scraped data: clustering large datasets into prices indices (CLIP)
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Kota Watanabe, Tsutomu Watanabe:
    Price rigidity at near-zero inflation rates: evidence from Japan
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation

Poster session
10:30 – 12:00

Session 9: Implementing scanner data; Chairperson: Claude Lamboray
13:15 – 14:45
  • Li-Chun Zhang, Ingvild Johansen, Ragnhild Nygaard:
    Testing unit value data price indices
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Guillaume Rateau:
    Implementation of the treatment of the scanner data in France
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation
  • Kristiina Nieminen:
    New data sources to compile price indices: small scale "big data" for the index compilation
    Abstract  |  Paper  |  Presentation

Report 2017 meeting
14:45 – 15:15

2018 Group of Experts
15:15 – 15:25

Outlook 2019 meeting
15:25 – 15:40

Closing remarks
15:40 – 15:45