Inflation expectations Survey on Consumer Expectations

Expectations about the development of the inflation rate

Expectations of individuals about the development of the inflation rate

Expectations about the level of the inflation rate

Inflation expectations of individuals

Findings by age, gender, income, education, and region

Variants for calculating averages

In the charts shown above, only responses between -12% and +12% were used to calculate the averages of individuals’ inflation expectations. Whilst inflation rates of more than 12% were hardly conceivable when the surveys were launched, they could not be classified as clear “extreme” values in some months. The following chart therefore shows other averages in addition to the mean and median values shown above. Each average differs in terms of the thresholds used.

Inflation rate expectations of households' – next 12 months

In three years or average over the next five years

Inflation expectations of individuals – next three years
Inflation expectations of individuals – next five years

Uncertainty about the development of inflation

Uncertainty about inflation – next 12 months

Findings by age, gender, income, education, and region