New on board CIC Newsletter – March 2024
Ezgi Delikanli, representative in London
I studied economics and finance in Mainz and London. In 2018, I joined the Bundesbank through its trainee programme and deepened my knowledge of the institutional framework of the Bundesbank and the Eurosystem. I then spent four years in the Directorate General Financial Stability working in the area of systemic cyber risks and was part of the “Cybermapping with AI” transfer lab established by the Bundesbank and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
I find it particularly fascinating to be located in one of the world’s leading financial centres identifying opportunities for Bundesbank engagement and actively joining in the conversation on topics such as innovation, fintech and sustainability. Looking at the bigger picture, it is interesting to observe how the United Kingdom is moving between the consequences of Brexit and stimulating its own growth, and what implications this could have for the European financial system.
Andreas Gauf, coordination of international central bank dialogue activities
Since January 2024, I have been heading the coordination of our international central bank cooperation activities together with Andrea Mink. My work is focused on the wide range of international central banking courses and the various bilateral cooperation arrangements that we manage together with our team.
I have been with the Bundesbank since 1995, with my career here including a ten-year stint as deputy head of the President’s Office and Secretariat to the Executive Board. During this time, I dealt closely with a whole range of central banking topics and our international cooperation activities, which was something I really enjoyed. For the past eight years, I was responsible as head of protocol and conference management for the Bundesbank’s various event formats and was able to help set up platforms for meetings and exchanges.
As part of the CIC, I look forward to nurturing our existing network of personal contacts at central banks all over the world, cultivating new contacts and helping to shape the international central bank dialogue. I would like to contribute my experience here and see where we can set new ideas in motion.
Marie-Therese Gold – Bundesbank representative office in Brussels
Since 1 February 2024, I have headed the representative office in the House of the Euro in Brussels. A total of four Bundesbank staff members work here. Through the representative office, as well as visits by members of the Executive Board and Bundesbank experts, we are building a network on the Brussels policymaking scene and are working to make the Bundesbank more visible in Brussels. In addition, we monitor and assess developments, positions and legislation at the EU level relating to issues concerning the Bundesbank. We also work with the European Central Bank (ECB) and other central banks represented here in Brussels. The idea is to join forces in the House of the Euro to increase visibility and deepen close-knit, trust-based cooperation in Brussels.
The House of the Euro is a joint project between the ECB and a number of Eurosystem national central banks. It was officially opened by ECB President Christine Lagarde on 9 November 2023. In addition to the Bundesbank and the ECB, the Bank of Slovenia, Banco de España, Banca d’Italia, Central Bank of Ireland, Banque de France and Central Bank of Malta have also relocated or expanded their representative offices to, or established them at, the House of the Euro.
I am already well versed in Brussels affairs. I have been seconded to Brussels by Bundesbank since April 2021. Up until I moved to the Bundesbank’s representative office, I was working at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union in the area of banking regulation.
Nikola Marcinko, representative in the Baltic States
Since 1 January 2024, I have been working at the German Embassy in Riga as the Bundesbank’s first representative for the Baltic States. The Latvian capital is the ideal base of operations for me, as the city has had close economic and cultural ties with Germany ever since it was founded by the Hanseatic League. The central banks of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have had a trusting working relationship with the Bundesbank for many years. My role largely involves analysing and assessing (financial and) economic developments in the Baltic States. For this reason, I am in regular contact with various financial institutions and associations in all three countries. In addition, our partner institutions can approach me with any questions about developments in Germany with a central bank focus.
Prior to taking up this post in Riga, I worked at the Federal Ministry of Finance in the area of financial market regulation, in the Bundesbank’s Directorate General Markets and at its Regional Office in Bavaria, having originally joined the central bank as a trainee. I greatly enjoy my position at the CIC, and I hope to meet as many of my new colleagues as possible over time.
Philipp Täufer, public outreach for the Executive Board
I have been at the CIC working in public outreach for the Executive Board since February 2024. Before that, I spent the past few years – after completing my trainee programme – working in the same role in the Directorate General Economic Education. After being at the Bundesbank’s campus in Ginnheim for just shy of three years, I am very pleased with the central location of the CIC offices in the downtown Skyper tower. The fact that most Bundesbank staff are also in the city centre at the moment due to the renovation work taking place in Ginnheim makes it much easier to see people in person, which is very important to me.
In a very special way, this also applies to my CIC colleagues, with whom I have often worked closely in the past when writing speeches and carrying out prep tasks. I would like to take the opportunity here to highlight the friendly and warm welcome I received from my colleagues, who immediately brought me into the CIC fold.
Further information
partly in German