Introduction to capital and liquidity requirements within the Basel framework


3 days

Application deadline

7 March 2025


The Basel framework is a comprehensive set of standards developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision to improve the regulation and supervision of the banking sector. Finalised in December 2017, the full Basel III package addresses the lessons learnt from the financial crisis.

The course aims to provide an overview of the capital and liquidity requirements of the Basel III package as well as implementation at the EU and national levels.


  • Introduction to supervision in Germany and Europe
  • Brief overview and recap of the Basel framework, the motivation behind its revisions and the finalisation of Basel III
  • Definition of capital, leverage ratio and buffer concept/macroprudential aspects
  • Liquidity risk – quantitative standards, monitoring tools, management principles (including a case study)
  • Risk coverage – credit risk, operational risk, market risk

Target group

This course is aimed at banking supervisors involved in the implementation of the Basel framework. A sound knowledge of the revised framework is essential for participation. Participants should also be familiar with the supervision policies and practices of their home countries’ financial systems and be prepared to actively contribute to discussions, e.g. by giving presentations.

Registration deadline expired.