Jesús Rafael Soto, Installation in the Entrance Hall of the Bundesbank's Central Office, 1972, metal and wood ©VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Art collection

The Deutsche Bundesbank has been collecting art since it was established in 1957. As a public institution, the Bank does so not just out of a sense of cultural responsibility but also because of the value it places on integrating art into the everyday working environment. This allows staff and visitors with an interest in art to encounter, experience and reflect on artworks of the recent past and present on a daily basis.

Focused primarily on paintings, works on paper and sculptures from German-speaking countries, the Bundesbank’s collection today comprises several thousand oeuvres which are on display at the Central Office in Frankfurt am Main as well as at the nine regional offices and their associated branches. In its entirety, the collection offers an insight into different artistic developments in the 20th and 21st centuries. Works by young artists, such as those showcased in the series of exhibitions "Perspektiven der Gegenwart" [Contemporary Perspectives], round off the collection and draw in fresh inspiration.

The Bundesbank is set to comprehensively renovate its Central Office in Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse in Frankfurt am Main. Almost 50 years after its construction, the striking main building, which was erected between 1967 and 1972 in the Brutalist style based on plans drawn up by the ABB architecture firm, is no longer state of the art and is now being fully refurbished.

Moreover, the plan is for the entire Frankfurt-based workforce of the Bundesbank’s Central Office to work on the campus in Wilhelm-Eppstein-Straße in future. The site is therefore not only being refurbished, there will also be new construction: three new office buildings and smaller functional structures will be erected around the existing main building.

During the construction phase, the Bundesbank uses the Frankfurt Office Center (FBC) in the city center as a transitional location. Guided tours are currently not possible.