Discussion papers
The discussion papers with economic studies or financial and banking studies are elaborated by the research center of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
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Genetic Learning as an Explanation of Stylized Facts of Foreign Exchange Markets Discussion paper 29/2002: Thomas Lux, Sascha Schornstein
Wechselkurszielzonen, wirtschaftlicher Aufholprozess und endogene Realignmentrisiken Diskussionspapier 30/2002: Karin Radeck
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Cost Push Shocks and Monetary Policies in Open Economies Discussion paper 27/2002: Alan Sutherland
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Further Evidence On The Relationship Between Firm Investment And Financial Status Discussion paper 28/2002: Robert S. Chirinko, Ulf von Kalckreuth
152 KB, PDF
Bootstrapping Autoregressions with Conditional Heteroskedasticity of Unknown Form Discussion paper 26/2002: Silvia Goncalves, Lutz Kilian
597 KB, PDF
Tail Wags Dog? Time-Varying Information Shares in the Bund Market Discussion paper 24/2002: Christian Upper, Thomas Werner
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Time Variation in the Tail Behaviour of Bund Futures Returns Discussion paper 25/2002: Thomas Werner, Christian Upper
232 KB, PDF
Dynamic Q-investment functions for Germany using panel balance sheet data and a new algorithm for the capital stock at replacement values Discussion paper 23/2002: Andreas Behr, Egon Bellgardt
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Imperfect Competition, Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Currency Area Discussion paper 21/2002: Giovanni Lombardo
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Monetary and fiscal policy rules in a model with capital accumulation and potentially non-superneutral money Discussion paper 22/2002: Leopold von Thadden
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