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Implications of bank regulation for loan supply and bank stability: A dynamic perspective Discussion paper 43/2018: Monika Bucher, Diemo Dietrich, Achim Hauck
Capital market statistics - October 2018 Statistical Supplement 2 to the Monthly Report
695 KB, PDF
Seasonally adjusted business statistics - October 2018 Statistical Supplement 4 to the Monthly Report
Monthly Report - October 2018
The Bundesbank’s October 2018 Monthly Report comments on trends in state government finances, the implementation of the debt brake and future budgetary surveillance. It also analyses the macroeconomic impact of uncertainty as well as the activities of multinationals against the backdrop of national economic statistics. Furthermore, the report contains an article on the growing importance of exchange-traded funds on the financial markets.
Banking statistics - October 2018 Statistical Supplement 1 to the Monthly Report
The pricing of FX forward contracts: micro evidence from banks’ dollar hedging Discussion paper 42/2018: Puriya Abbassi, Falk Bräuning
1023 KB, PDF
Exchange rate statistics - October 2018 Statistical Supplement 5 to the Monthly Report
529 KB, PDF
Seasonal adjustment of daily time series Discussion paper 41/2018: Daniel Ollech
Germany's Gold
How did Germany's gold reserves come into being and what role did gold play as a means of payment through the ages? What was the significance of gold reserves then and now? With this book, the Bundesbank's gold reserves are presented to readers for the first time in an informative and illustrative way, as if they were holding them in their own hands. The transfer of significant gold holdings from the depositories in New York and Paris to Frankfurt has attracted a great deal of public attention in recent years.
Balance of payments statistics - September 2018 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report