Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Auswirkungen virtueller Währungen auf die Finanzmärkte Rede bei Union Investment
Acceptance speech on being awarded the "German Media Freedom Prize" Speech held at the 2018 Ludwig Erhard Summit Meeting
Einleitendes Statement beim Clubabend des Internationalen Clubs Frankfurter Wirtschaftsjournalisten e.V.
Shared challenges, different perspectives, shared solutions? Speech at the 13th High-level Meeting for the Arab Region “Banking Standards and Regulatory and Supervisory Priorities”
Welcome remarks Speech at the SAFE/CFS/Deutsche Bundesbank lecture on "Making inclusive growth a reality" by Tharman Shanmugaratnam
Zahlungsverkehr im Wandel – Was sind die Herausforderungen? DSGV – Fachtagung Girokonto und Zahlungsverkehr "Payments 2.0 – In der digitalen Welt Qualitätsführer bleiben"
Monetary union – ever a work in progress? The euro area torn between the Maastricht framework and fiscal union 21st RWI Economic Discussion
Rede bei der Vorstellung des Finanzstabilitätsberichts 2017 der Deutschen Bundesbank Prof. Claudia M Buch, Vizepräsidentin der Deutschen Bundesbank
437 KB, PDF
What's the state of play in Germany's banking sector? Speech at the presentation of the 2017 Financial Stability Review of the Deutsche Bundesbank