Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Fresh momentum for Europe Speech upon acceptance of the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Star for Services to the Republic of Austria
Living with Fragmentation: Post-Brexit Realities in Financial Services Keynote at the AIMA Global Policy and Regulatory Forum
Keynote FOCUS EUROPE: "DigiFin" – Instant Payments und die Digitalisierung des Deutschen Finanzwesens – Veranstaltung des IBF
Bundesbank-Vorstandsmitglied Carl-Ludwig Thiele sieht in sekundenschnellen Überweisungen eine treibende Kraft in der weiteren Digitalisierung des Zahlungsverkehrs. Anbieter von Zahlungsdiensten müssten nun "" auf den Weg bringen, sagte er bei einer Konferenz in Frankfurt am Main.
Facing up to the original sin – Experiences of establishing a local currency bond market Opening Remarks at the "Local Currency Bond Markets" Conference
Greener finance – better finance? How green should the financial world be? Speech delivered at the Bundesbank symposium "Banking supervision in dialogue"
Grußwort zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Banken, Bühnen, Flugzeughallen. Frankfurter Projekte von Otto Apel / ABB Architekten" Eingangshalle des Hauptgebäudes der Deutschen Bundesbank
Where do we go from here? The future of US-EU financial relations following the finalisation of Basel III Speech at the Institute of International Bankers, Annual Washington Conference
Artificial intelligence (AI) in finance: Six warnings from a central banker Intervention at the 2nd Annual FinTech Conference
Opening statement at the 2018 press conference on the annual accounts