Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
The cake’s getting smaller. Consolidation and reorientation in the German banking sector Speech delivered at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management’s Fifth Annual Conference on Integrated Performance and Risk Management
Strukturveränderungen an den Euro-Finanzmärkten vor dem Hintergrund der Finanzkrise – Wie sollte das Eurosystem zukünftig (re-)agieren? Rede beim AEFMA-Fachkongress
Banks spellbound by innovation? Lessons learnt from digitalisation Introductory address delivered at the Baden-Baden Entrepreneur Talks
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Euro-Raum Rede beim Rotary und Lions Club
China und Deutschland: Neue Impulse für Finanzen und Wirtschaft in einem veränderten globalen Umfeld Keynote Speech bei der Konferenz des Sino-German Center of Finance and Economics (SGC)
Verabschiedung von Dr. Alexander Erdland als Vorstandsvorsitzender der W&W
Welcome remarks at the 9th Annual IIF G20 Conference "The G20 Agenda under the German Presidency"
Speaking in Frankfurt, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann underscored the importance of the G20 for international free trade and for progress in financial market regulation. In times like these, international cooperation is particularly important, he said, which is why the G20 is a
"precious treasure"
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Basel III – goal within sight Opening speech at the Bundesbank symposium on "Banking supervision in dialogue"
Between global competition and the regional principle – which bank needs which rules? Speech delivered at the "G20 and Locally Focused Banks" conference