Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Challenges facing Germany’s economic model Speech delivered at the German Savings Banks Conference
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann says that non-standard monetary policy measures can have a variety of effects on income and wealth distribution. “Much like conventional interest rate policy, the non-standard measures are more likely to have reduced income inequality,” he said in a speech in Hamburg.
Systemic Risk and Expectations: Are We Too Optimistic? Statement as part of the policy panel at the conference “Systemic Risk and the Macroeconomy” organized by Deutsche Bundesbank and European Central Bank.
Krypto-Token aus Sicht eines Zentralbankers CFS-Konferenz
Die Rolle der Zentralbanken in Zeiten von Populismus und Fake News Rede beim Forum Bundesbank der Hauptverwaltung in Hessen der Deutschen Bundesbank
Europa im nächsten Jahrzehnt – am Beispiel des Zahlungsverkehrs Impulsvortrag beim Bankenverband Hamburg
Speech on change in presidency at the Regional Office in Hesse
Monetary and economic policy challenges Speech delivered before the Industrie-Club Düsseldorf
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has spoken out in favour of eliminating the red tape involved in setting up a business. At a speech in Düsseldorf, Mr Weidmann pointed out that “reforms to make it easier for start-ups to enter the market would also enhance competition and spur innovative power.”
Mein Geld – eine Mitmachausstellung Eröffnung der Sonderausstellung
Rede beim Neujahrsempfang der Hauptverwaltung in Bremen, Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt
Blockchain – Zukunft oder Hype? Die Perspektive der Aufsicht Rede bei der Finanzwoche Stuttgart
What will pass, what will still be around, and what will come? The prospects for Germany’s banking sector Speech delivered at Bundesbank symposium – Banking supervision in dialogue