Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Is CBDC the money of the future? Keynote at the Central Bank Payments Conference
Reaching Net Zero: The risks of idle bystanders Keynote – Net Zero Delivery Summit
Reflections on the Eurosystem’s new operational framework Speech at the Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy
Too low, too high: What’s next for inflation? Joint Spring Conference 2024 – Structural Changes and the Implications for Inflation
Remarks on Enrico Letta’s report “Much more than a market” Panel Discussion “Empowering the Single Market – Opportunities and challenges”
Sicheres Geld für das Europa der Zukunft: Der digitale Euro Keynote bei der Veranstaltung „Die Zukunft des Geldes“ des Wirtschaftsclub Bamberg e.V.
Transformation zu einer klimaneutralen Wirtschaft – volkswirtschaftliche Kosten, Chancen für die Kreditwirtschaft und geldpolitische Implikationen Rede bei den Münsteraner Bankentagen
Central bank money in the 21st century Speech at the DZ Bank Capital Markets Conference 2024
Monetary union, capital markets union, banking union – a triad for Europe’s prosperity and resilience Speech delivered at the 23rd German Banking Congress
Unlocking potential: green finance in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia Keynote Speech at Governor’s Luncheon, organised by the International Monetary Fund’s Middle East and Central Asia Department