Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Panel remarks prepared for Banka Slovenije’s 30th anniversary conference Part 2: Challenges of contemporary central banks
Finanzstabilität als gesellschaftliche Aufgabe Festvortrag auf der akademischen Feier anlässlich der Verleihung der Bachelorurkunden an die Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Prüfung für den gehobenen Bankdienst
Begrüßung Rede anlässlich des Panels "Der Einfluss privater Haushalte auf die ökologische Transformation: Wohnen, Mobilität, Konsum"
Was bedeutet die Pandemie für die Finanzstabilität? International Economic Policy Lecture, Universität Würzburg
Welcome Remarks Speech marking the change in office of the President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
A Decade of Macroprudential Policy Panel remarks prepared for the Fifth ESRB annual conference
Financial Stability and Financial Education: Why we Need to Promote a Societal Dialogue MIFE Inaugural Conference 2021
Statement at the presentation of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s 2021 Financial Stability Review
Fiscal and Monetary Responses and Financial Stability Introductory statement prepared for the Panel Discussion at the Financial Stability Conference: “Planning for Surprises, Learning from Crises”
10 years later: where are we? Introductory remarks prepared for the Policy Panel at the High-level conference “EBA @ 10”