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Exhibition showcasing designs for Bundesbank campus now open
17.07.2020 DE
A new exhibition at the German Architecture Museum (DAM) is showcasing all the designs submitted for the Bundesbank’s new campus on the grounds of its Central Office in Frankfurt am Main. The opening ceremony saw Executive Board member Johannes Beermann award prizes for the best designs.
Keynote speech at the 10th anniversary of European DataWarehouse
Economic activity stagnated in the final months of 2019
18.02.2020 DE
German economic activity remained weak in the final quarter of 2019. Industry was the main factor weighing on aggregate output towards the end of the year, the Bundesbank’s economists write in the most recent edition of their Monthly Report. House price inflation in Germany lessened last year.
Bundesbank opens exhibition entitled “Campus Deutsche Bundesbank – Architectural designs for the Bundesbank’s Central Office in Frankfurt” at German Architecture Museum
The Deutsche Bundesbank is putting the results of its architectural competition for the planned new buildings at its Central Office premises in Frankfurt am Main out on display. The exhibition at the German Architecture Museum, featuring the 29 architectural designs submitted, was opened to the public today with a press conference that simultaneously served as a virtual opening.
Architectural design competition – prize winners announced
The architectural design competition for the planned new builds on the campus of the Bundesbank’s Frankfurt Central Office has come to a close. A jury of 13, made up of renowned architects and representatives from the Bundesbank and the City of Frankfurt am Main, concluded two days of deliberations by selecting six prize winners and awarding two honourable mentions out of a total of 29 designs entered in the competition.
Sharp rise in housing prices in 2018
According to Bundesbank data, housing prices in Germany showed a further sharp rise last year. The Bundesbank’s latest Monthly Report reveals that prices outside the urban areas were also going up at a faster pace than in the years before.
Grundstein für neue Filiale in Dortmund gelegt
15.07.2016 No English translation available
In Dortmund hat die Bundesbank die Grundsteinlegung für ihre neue Filiale feierlich begangen. Im Jahr 2019 wird der neue Standort die Wirtschaft im Ruhrgebiet mit Bargeld versorgen.