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List of countries for foreign trade and payments statistics of the Federal Republic of Germany Last updated: 01/2025 (editoral changes)
German balance of payments in January 2024
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €29.7 billion in January 2024, down €1.9 billion on the previous month’s level. The goods account surplus increased significantly, but this was outweighed by a stronger decline in the surplus in invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income.
German balance of payments in April 2024
In April 2024, Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €25.9 billion, down €1.9 billion on the previous month’s level. This was due to a decrease in the goods account surplus.
What can we learn from the recent disinflation episode? Dinner speech at the CEBRA Annual Conference
Directory of chapter numbers of international trade classification statistics Last updated: 01/2025 (editorial changes)
National Cash Forum established
The National Cash Forum has been established on the initiative of the Bundesbank, the being, as Bundesbank Executive Board member Burkhard Balz put it,
to preserve cash as an efficient and widely used means of payment in a changing payment landscape
. The forum will facilitate close dialogue between the associations of the banking industry, retail trade, consumer protection, the CIT industry, vending machine operators and the Bundesbank. The industry is set to meet here at least once a year. -
July results of the Bank Lending Survey in Germany Increased demand for loans to enterprises
The German banks responding to the Bank Lending Survey (BLS) barely tightened their credit standards for loans to enterprises any further in the second quarter of 2024. They slightly tightened their credit standards for loans to households for house purchase and for consumer credit and other lending to households. Overall, the adjustments were somewhat less than had been planned in the previous quarter.