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Monthly Report - February 2019
The February 2019 edition of the Monthly Report comments on the economic situation in Germany in winter 2018/2019.
Monthly Report - January 1949
The Monthly Report contains: The Economic Situation of the Western German Specified Area ( Währungsgebiet ) in December 1948; Statements of the Bank deutscher Länder; Development of Banks in November 1948; Cash deposits on and Cash Withrawals from Savings Accounts with all Financial Institutions during the second half of 1948
Financial Stability Review 2012
The European sovereign debt crisis remains the greatest threat to financial stability in Germany. The Bundesbank considers that a substantial worsening of the situation would have a significant adverse impact on German banks and insurers. In addition, low interest rates, high liquidity and potential exaggerations in the German real estate market could pose a future threat to financial stability.
Financial Stability Review 2014
The main topics in this year's edition are risks to the stability of the German banking and financial system in the current low-interest-rate environment, developments in the German real estate market and the importance of the banking union for a stable financial system.
Monthly Report - October 2013
The October 2013 edition of the Monthly Report discusses the recent rises in house prices in Germany and looks at macroeconomic approaches to assessing price competitiveness. It also contains an article on "International cooperation in the area of financial sector policy – the Financial Stability Board (FSB)".
Wechselwirkungen zwischen den geldpolitischen Sondermaßnahmen des Eurosystems und der Aktivität am Interbankengeldmarkt in der Krise Sonderaufsatz Finanzstabilitätsbericht, November 2009 | S. 93-106