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Toothless tiger with claws? Financial stability communication, expectations, and risk-taking Discussion paper 05/2021: Johannes Beutel, Norbert Metiu, Valentin Stockerl
Cash use in Germany Macroeconomic estimates of the extent of illicit cash use in Germany
In a study prepared together with Professor Friedrich Schneider of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, illegal demand for cash in Germany is investigated. The study presents an overview of economic research on the use of cash in the shadow economy as well as fresh empirical analyses by the authors. They look at the influence of the shadow economy on cash lodgements at Bundesbank branches and the demand for banknotes in Germany.
AFS-Jahresbericht 2018 Ausschuss für Finanzstabilität
Der Ausschuss für Finanzstabilität (AFS) veröffentlichte im Juni 2018 seinen fünften Bericht an den Deutschen Bundestag über die Lage und die Entwicklung der Finanzstabilität in Deutschland.
Local government finances: Development and selected aspects Article from the Monthly Report October 2016
249 KB, PDF
Investment Behaviour of German Equity Fund Managers An Exploratory Analysis of Survey Data Discussion paper 08/2001: Torsten Arnswald
407 KB, PDF
Assessing house prices in Germany: evidence from an estimated stock-flow model using regional data Discussion paper 46/2013: Florian Kajuth, Thomas A. Knetsch, Nicolas Pinkwart
German bank lending during emerging market crises: A bank level analysis Discussion paper 04/2004: Frank Heid, Thorsten Nestmann, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Natalja von Westernhagen
219 KB, PDF
Bekanntmachung von Änderungen der Geschäftsbedingungen der Deutschen Bundesbank ab 30. Oktober 2009, 24.00 Uhr, sowie ab 1. November 2009 Mitteilung Nr. 2004/2009
604 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - February 1949
The Monthly Report contains: The Economic Situation of the Western German Specified Area in January 1949; Foreign Trade and Money Movements on the Foreign Accounts of the Bank deutscher Länder