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Press statement Press conference at the South African Reserve Bank in Pretoria
The Deutsche Bundesbank posted its first-ever representative to South Africa at the country's German Embassy on 1 August 2016 with a view to deepening the bank's cooperation with the G20 emerging market economy.
German economic upswing continues
The German economy grew strongly in the past year. Driven by strong consumption growth, real gross domestic product (GDP), according to initial calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, was up by 1.7% from 2014.
Joint Conference: Call for Papers Call for Papers | Deadline: 10.06.2024
105 KB, PDF
Deutsche Bundesbank together with the London School of Economics and Sustainable Macro organises a conference on net zero, nature risks and supply chain vulnerabilities. Please submit your papers.
Beschlüsse des EZB-Rats (ohne Zinsbeschlüsse) Oktober 2021
131 KB, PDF
July results of the Bank Lending Survey in Germany
Wuermeling: Brexit marks a turning point and an opportunity
15.02.2018 DE
For Bundesbank Executive Board member Joachim Wuermeling, Brexit marks a turning point that will weaken London's role as Europe's financial centre. Speaking at an event in Frankfurt am Main, he explained that the EU could consequently go on to develop its own global, digitally networked financial centre – a digital city of Europe.
Explanatory and interpretational notes on the reporting regulations Last updated: 04/2014
71 KB, PDF
Dombret: "Global economic recovery still on track"
The International Monetary Fund's Annual Meeting is being held in early October against the backdrop of weak global growth, low inflation rates and modest growth in world trade. The risk of prolonged stagnation is being overstated, said Bundesbank Executive Board member Andreas Dombret ahead of the meeting.