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Monthly Report - May 1964
12 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Balance of Payments of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1963, Some Conclusions from the Consumer and Instalment Credit Statistics, Appendix to the Study on the Balance of Payments
Monthly Report - April 1964
10 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: Wealth Formation and its Financing in 1963, Patent and Licence Transactions with Foreign Countries
Monthly Report - March 1964
The monthly report contains: New Credit Policy Measures, German External Indebtedness, Lending and Investments by Groups of Banks from 1961 to 1963, The Bank Office Network in 1963
Monthly Report - November 1963
The monthly report contains: The Public Authorities' Bonded Debt as a Component of Total Post-Currency-Reform Public Indebtedness
Monthly Report - February 1964
The monthly report contains: National Product and Income in 1963
Monthly Report - January 1964
12 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Economic Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany in the Winter of 1963/64, Provisional Survey of the Balance of Payments for 1963, The Money Supply in 1963
Monthly Report - December 1963
The monthly report contains: Interbank Assets and Liabilities, and Holdings of Public Authorities' Money Market Paper at the Individual Groups of Banks, Consumer Prices since the Currency Reform
Monthly Report - October 1963
12 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Economic Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany in the Autumn of 1963
Monthly Report - September 1963
10 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: Domestic Securities Held on Deposit at the End of 1962, The Industrial Credit Cooperatives since the End of 1950, National Product, Income and Saving in the First Half of 1963