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Monthly Report - January 1963
12 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Economic Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany in the Winter of 1962/63, Provisional Survey of the Balance of Payments for 1962, The Money Supply in the Second Half of 1962
Monthly Report - November 1962
The monthly report contains: The New Bundesbank Notes, The Banks' Lendings and Investments in the First Ten Months of 1962
Monthly Report - October 1962
12 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Economic Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany in the Autumn of 1962, The Finances of the Social Pension Insurance Institutions since the Pension Reform
Monthly Report - September 1962
The monthly report contains: National Product, Income and Saving in the First Half of 1962
Monthly Report - August 1962
The monthly report contains: Results of the Special Inquiry into Credit Institutions' Business in Loans against Borrower's Notes, The Foreign Position of the Banks
Monthly Report - July 1962
13 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Economic Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany in the Summer of 1962, Wealth Formation and its Financing in 1961
Monthly Report - June 1962
10 MB, PDF
The monthly report contains: The Balance of Payments of the Federal Republic in 1961
Monthly Report - May 1962
The monthly report contains: The Banks' Investments in Securities, Public Deposits in the Banking System